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Kom dybere end den menneskelige fejl og forstå, hvilke vilkår i jeres organisation der bidrager til ulykker og forstyrrelser i jeres forretning
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Kurser, workshops og forløb – for ledere, eksperter og arbejdsmiljø repræsentanter. Vi gør sikkerhed konkret for jer, så I ved, hvordan I kan gøre en forskel.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Aktuelle kurser


Hvis I ønsker at arbejde professionelt med at lære af ulykker og andre uønskede hændelser, så skal I uddannes til det, ligesom I uddanner jer til alt det andet, I gerne vil gøre godt. Dette kursus er første trin til solid faglig viden om at lære af hændelser.

Hvis I arbejder tæt sammen med andre virksomheder, for eksempel kunder eller underleverandører, så kan I med fordel tage kurset sammen, så I får en fælles reference, og I har mulighed for at diskutere grænseflader undervejs i kurset.

Der findes anerkendte, gennemprøvede, videnskabelige metoder til professionel analyse af ulykker og andre uønskede hændelser. En af dem er Tripod Beta.

Tripod Beta metoden har to meget væsentlige fordele:

  • Det bliver helt klart, hvilke barrierer der fejlede og var direkte årsager til hændelsen.
  • I kommer dybere end at ’det var en menneskelig fejl’, og for en forståelse for de organisatoriske og ledelsesmæssige faktorer, der havde indflydelse på hændelsesforløbet.


Ledere og eksperter indenfor alle fag, som ønsker at blive bedre til at lære af uønskede hændelser.


  • Anerkendt metode og sprog om analyse af hændelser.
  • Forståelse for hvordan organisatoriske faktorer har indflydelse på menneskelige fejl.
  • I bliver trænet i at lave Tripod Beta analyse og kan være peer review for hinanden, når I kommer tilbage på arbejde.
  • Viden om Tripod Beta i forhold til andre metoder.
  • Viden og metode kan bruges med det samme.
  • Mulighed for international anerkendt akkreditering (Bronze).

3 dage


If you aim to work professionally with learning from incidents, training is essential – just as with any other skill you want to be good at. This course is the first step towards solid professional knowledge about learning from incidents.

If your organization collaborates closely with other companies, such as contractors, there is great value in taking this course together. This shared experience establishes a common reference point and offers the opportunity to discuss key interface issues during the course.

There are recognized, well-tested scientific methods for the professional analysis of accidents and other unwanted incidents. One of them is Tripod Beta.

The Tripod Beta method offers two key advantages:

  • It clearly identifies which barriers failed and were direct causes of the incident.
  • It takes you beyond attributing incidents to “human error” – providing insights into the organisational and managerial factors influencing the course of events.

Target Audience:

Leaders and experts across all fields who want to improve their ability to learn from unwanted incidents.

Course Benefits:

  • Recognized method and language for incident analysis.
  • Understanding of how organizational factors influence human behavior.
  • You’ll train how to do Tripod Beta analysis, enabling you to peer review each other when you get back to work.
  • Knowledge of Tripod Beta compared to other methodologies.
  • Your new knowledge and skills that can be applied immediately.
  • Option for internationally recognized accreditation (Bronze).

3 days


If you’re a manager who’s been asked to – or simply wants to! – ‘do better at safety’ this training gives you a model with a few, well-selected activities to do in a cycle – so after the first ‘round’ you can repeat them to continuously support a stronger safety culture.

Which manager wouldn’t like to have a workplace where people don’t get hurt? – and with all the other benefits that follow that – like a better working environment and a culture where people feel safe to speak up and discuss how to do the work both efficiently and safely.

You can ask safety professionals for help, but as a manager you need to do your part and drive the change, as with all other changes. But what exactly is it you should do?

This training gives you knowledge and language to do your part of the safety work – you’ll know what to do, and you’ll want to do it.

In the training the trainers transfer their experience in applying the Hearts & Minds tools at strategic level and share their supplementary activities for managers.


  • Calibrating perceptions – Before trying to engage anyone else, you need to understand your own perceptions and beliefs on safety.
  • What is the problem? – Drill into the core of the safety-problem you want to solve, the more detailed the better.
  • Understanding your culture – Most managers think you’re better at safety (personally and in the team) than you really are. How good are you really?
  • The Good Intention – Talk about incidents in a new way! You’ll get to understand the organisational and leadership factors that influenced human behavior and the course of events. And you can use incidents to show-case what a proactive culture feels, looks and sounds like.

Target audience:

This training is for managers. It’s an option that your safety professional takes the training with you, so that you can learn together and share methods and language – this will make it easier for you to implement what you learned, when you get back to work.

You’ll get:

  • Knowledge and language to talk about safety, from a strategic perspective.
  • A structure of activities that only you as a manager can do to support a strong(er) safety culture.
  • Tools that will have immediate positive impact on safety – and also result in better business.
  • After the first round, you can repeat the same activities – starting from a higher level – which will give you different results and sustain the momentum for continuous improvement.

What’s included:

  • Max 14 participants
  • Short theory sessions followed by groupwork and individual reflections.
  • Course materials.
  • Certificate of completion.
  • Lunch and snacks during training days.

3 days


Lisbeth Holberg og HOLBERGs

Lisbeth Holberg står bag HOLBERGs. Hun startede sin karriere i olie- og gasindustrien, hvor hun førte tilsyn med miljø og sikkerhed på borerigge i Nordsøen.

Siden starten af HOLBERGs i 2009 har Lisbeth etableret sig som en international profil på områderne ”At lære af hændelser” og ”Sikkerhed for ledere”. Og HOLBERGs er meget mere end Lisbeth Holberg.

Med et stærkt netværk af andre danske og internationale profiler kan vi sammen levere de kompetencer og den kapacitet, der er brug for til hver kundes behov.

Find ud af mere om Lisbeth Holberg og HOLBERGs’ netværk.